Tell us about an expert/person in your field that you admire.
In today's blog I will highlight Karl Marx who was born on May 5, 1818, among his best-known works is The Communist and Capital Manifesto, he died on March 14, 1883, among his posthumous recognitions is the survey carried out by the BBC in 1999, where he was chosen as the greatest thinker of the Millennium.
Karl Marx can be considered a philosopher, historian and sociologist. I will specify more on his role and his contribution to the discipline he studied, sociology. I admire this author like many other classical sociologists, but precisely Marx for the importance of his writings and the analysis of the working class and the historical context in which it developed. The main contribution of Marx was in my opinion the creation of a political ideology expressed in the communist manifesto, where in that work he represented the working class and its revolutionary role within a society in crisis like the capitalist one. Regarding this crisis personally, I define it as social inequalities, the dehumanization of social relations and the environmental crisis, among others.
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