How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Place


The truth is that I always had the intention of studying something related to history or a major in social sciences and considering sociology as a tool to understand and help society, I decided on this major. My major can help the world understand and try to make certain changes necessary to solve problems such as inequality or anticipate social crises. I believe that before starting the major, one can generate changes within the same family or in the circle of friends and their environment, that is, make some changes that each one wants to generate in the world, on a personal level. Our major in the study of society includes all people in this and I believe that this is of the utmost importance, including, respecting, and generating awareness of life with others, in addition to trying to bring society closer to the most just. For my health, I think it is gratifying to try to help the world with what one is passionate about, from different major and areas.


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